Thursday, March 27, 2008

The little things he does for me

For those who don't know, I have been STRESSING about the upcoming wedding preparations. Due to my location (7 hours from Knoxville - the wedding site) and my busy schedule with baseball that will prevent me from traveling to Knoxville until May, trying to start booking the church, locations, photographer, etc. has been difficult. I mean who wants to put down thousands of dollars in non-refundable deposits on something you haven't seen in person. But then again, if you like the service and have great recommendations should you wait to see it in person knowing that the service could be reserved in the meantime by someone else on your day?! This has been my huge conundrum and cause of a migraine headaches. So for the wedding ceremony I had 2 churches in mind. When I called the first one I encountered unfriendly individuals and was told that the date we had in mind was already booked. I called Andy and expressed my stress and my hopes that the other would be available because we didn't have a third option. So Andy gave me the church's name and the following day I called it in the afternoon. The woman I spoke to was named Leslie and I introduced myself and said I would be getting married and was looking into availability. She asked me who my fiance was and when I told her she said "I just met him! He is in there talking to the pastor." Andy knew how stressed I was and after his classes he drove to the church and spoke to the pastor who has welcomed us with open arms to be married by him in the church and the day we want (May 23, 2009). Andy hadn't told me he was going to do this. When I spoke to him later he said he knew how stressed I was and wanted to help relieve that stress and he certainly did. Just one of the numerous little things he does and why I love him so!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

My first blog

Good morning!
This is my first blog so I am just going to give a little note about the happenings in my life. I have been engaged to Andy for 9 days now. Wedding plans are being mapped out and details are being discussed. I am being kept busy at work with teaching my two classes and with the numerous baseball games - for those who don't know my team - the Mount Olive College Trojans - are currently ranked #1 in Division 2. I am so proud of them! Dad surprized mom and I by flying in my sister for Easter - just wish Andy could have met her. Andy is once again busy with school now that his spring break has ended and will have to ready himself for his bachelor pad to take on a new occupant (me) in about 2 months. That's about all for my first blog.